Thursday, September 16, 2004

when nature calls, answer the phone

Yesterday, about half an hour into one of my tutorials, I was struck by the call o' nature, as they say. And it wasn't a gentle, friendly "how ya doin'?" call, it was a painful, insistent "answer me now or the fact you're wearing brown pants today isn't gonna be enough to save ya buddy!" I did my best to resist, attempting to keep a poker face as some semi-strong pains lanced through my intestines, but eventually realised that resistance was futile. So as soon as the tutor stopped yapping and let us get on with the activity, I beat a hasty retreat from the computer lab.

Now, I found the whole episode quite embarrassing. I really don't like having to go to the loo in the middle of something. Since I was a young'un when my family and I used to travel from the Sunshine Coast to the Gold Coast frequently (a three hour drive), I've had the habit drummed into me of going to the loo before I go out. Consequently, it is an extremely rare occasion that finds me skipping out during class, or a movie, or a live concert/performance, or any kind of similar situation, to go to the loo. Extremely rare, and therefore difficult for me to feel comfortable doing so. I feel like people will think I have bladder issues (though in this case it wasn't the bladder that was the problem - is that too much information? What are blogs for, after all?), when I'm sure no-one actually noticed.

But still! After I'd returned to class and some minutes later, I noticed a guy beating his own hasty retreat from the lab.. only his purpose was to answer a mobile call! Naturally this got me thinking how the pretence of an important mobile call might be a good cover for actually needing to leave the room for.. other purposes.

"Aha!" says I, "next time nature calls, I'm gonna answer my phone!"

Yup, I'm always learning new skills at uni. :-)



Ben said...

so that's why people fidget about with their phones in public. they're trying to make it ring so they can go to the loo!

MuzeKez said...


..well it's an interesting theory anyway. I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels awkward when I need to go to the toilet during a class/movie/whatever, so I wouldn't be surprised if there are people out there who've used a "phone call" as a cover to excuse themselves. Mmhmm! We know their secret now! HA!

Hugh said...

Dear MuzeKez

I have been told up to 6 percent of the population has a severe fear of using public toilets. This kind of social phobia affects mostly men. The main symptom is a problem to urinate in a public situation. But there is no urological reason for this.

This problem very often starts during adolescence. The medical expression for this type of anxiety is "paruresis" or "bashful bladder syndrome" (BSS). Some people will not think of an anxiety disorder but more or less claim organic reasons for their problem to urinate in public toilets.

As a consequence of their anxiety or discomfort these persons try to avoid any public situation like going to restaurants, university, sports events or even a walk in the park. So they get isolated and try to stay at home whenever possible, often starting a blog on the internet. Severe forms of this social phobia will have a big influence on work, blogging and family life and cause secondary depression or substance abuse.

I hope you're coping okay... ;-)

MuzeKez said...

*looks at Psychologist Verbs suspiciously*

Hugh said...

*Takes note of MuzeKez's reaction in notebook* ;)