Sunday, September 19, 2004

had a blast at supanova! (part 1)

Supanova, Brisbane 18-19th September

Today I attended the Supanova Pop Culture Expo at the RNA Showgrounds. It was a brilliant day! I had actually bought a ticket to attend yesterday but when I found out that Sean Astin would only be conducting a seminar today, I asked the lovely people at Supanova if I could exchange it for a Sunday ticket, which they kindly allowed me to do. Thanks groovy Supanova staff!

There and Back Again Anyway, I arrived just after 10am and discovered the pre-bought ticket queue was moving pretty quickly (hooray!) so it wasn't long before I found myself inside with crowds of people (of all ages) browsing stall after stall of comic books and anime stuff and other assorted fantasy and sci-fi paraphernalia. First stop was to pick up a copy of Sean Astin's book "There and Back Again" which was conveniently located right by the entrance. That's product placement for you! Bit of a scoop for Supanova to have the book available as I don't think it's been released anywhere else yet. Yeah, look at that pretty cover there. :-)

Jade Carter & MuzeKez I had a quick browse through some of the stalls then made my way to the seminar area for the first speaker of the day, Jade Carter. There was a small crowd, which was great because it meant that everyone who had a question was able to ask it. Jade was lovely and warm, very personable and extremely chatty. When he finished speaking, a young lady asked him to come out for photographs which he was more than happy to do. I decided this was too good an opportunity to pass up, so jumped in line. Upon telling him I wasn't a "Jag" fan (the show he is best known for) he joked that he wasn't going to have a photo with me and walked away! *gasp* Lucky for me, he came back. ;-) (You can click on the image to bask in the spunkiness of Jade.. and see my foolishly grinning self.)

Jade Carter seminar snaps: 01 / 02

Next up was the boring part of the day - standing in the autograph queue for about an hour and a half. *yawns* Actually, I chatted to some lovely people also waiting in the queue, so that made the time pass quickly. Since you have to pay for autographs (!) I had to make a choice as I only carried so many $$$s with me - I opted for Sean Astin and John Noble (he was $5 cheaper than Sean and John Rhys-Davies). Unfortunately, because the queue moved slooowly at the end, I missed John Rhys-Davies' seminar, my only disappointment for the day. Bummer!

John Noble John Noble asked my name and shook my hand, and it was wonderful to enjoy a brief personal chat with the man who did such a magnificent job of bringing the difficult character of Denethor to life. A very charming man. :-)

Sean Astin Sean Astin gave up his lunch to sign for as many people as possible, as he had to leave at 3:30 in the afternoon. I said something along the lines of "yay it's Sam!" as he was signing and I think he snickered at me? Ah well, he seemed a little distracted (possibly rather autograph-weary) but it was still a buzz to come face to face with a hobbit! And he was kind enough to pose for a photograph with me (see below).

Sean Astin & MuzeKez Do I look flushed? Heehee, I'll just put that down to hobbity good cheer. Moving on, I was getting hungry by this stage, so I ventured over to the Madman Anime Theatre to check out the Kamehameha Blast-Off! Contest. Apparently this is something from Dragonball Z, but to me it was just a really amusing session of people getting up on stage, doing some weird "power up" kind of moves, and hollering really loudly! Great fun and suitable lunch time entertainment.


The afternoon session (including seminars by Sean Astin and John Noble, another encounter with Jade Carter, and some costumed frivolity) to follow in a subsequent post, most likely to be typed up tomorrow. Right now I want to watch Zoolander. ;-)


1 comment:

MuzeKez said...

I've seen some pics of him on Saturday in his baseball cap, and I definitely agree he dressed better on the Sunday, though I didn't think to check his feet! :-) I can only surmise that he was more fussed about his appearance on Sunday as he had to conduct a seminar, and was probably wary of being photographed countless times by all the people in attendance, haha!