Friday, September 17, 2004

I went shopping and I bought..

[Advance apologies to my male readers, I know this post won't be of much interest. However, I am going to talk about underwear a little later so you might want to stick around for that. Or not!]

Yesterday I indulged in a spot of retail therapy and managed to find some suitably appealing new clothes. I don't know about everyone else, but generally speaking, I find clothes shopping a nightmare! Not the actual act of buying new clothes, but the incredible challenge it typically presents to actually find anything in the stores that even remotely appeals to my (admittedly boring) fashion sense.

cute top, I say! One item of purchase was this lovely, pretty, feminine top. It fitted the mould of exactly what I had been looking for and, happily, also fitted and dare I say, vaguely complimented, my figure. Plus, it was 20% off. Score! Excited by my success, when I arrived home I whipped it out of the shopping bag to show my father. Now I'm well aware that men and womens clothes shopping exploits don't mix, but as my mother wasn't home there was no-one else with whom to share my glee.

MuzeKez to MuzeKez-Dad: "Look what I bought!"
MuzeKez-Dad to MuzeKez: [with some alarm] "Is that a dress?! There's not much to it!"

*sigh* Men.

Anyway, back to the retail therapy, after purchasing aforementioned pretty top, I realised I would most definitely need to invest in a strapless bra. I've been meaning to buy one for some time as there are a few items in my wardrobe (currently hanging sadly unworn) that require a strapless bra. It does seem more acceptable these days to have your bra straps showing, but it looks a little ridiculous. And don't get me started on those "clear" bra straps!

Several bras later.. I discovered one that fit, and managed not to flatten my breasts to the thickness of pancakes. *huzzah!* I glanced at the price tag (I mean, there was no way I wasn't going to buy the thing but it's good to know the price before the sales assistant tells you and your jaw hits the floor) and was rather disheartened to discover that it was twice as expensive as the pretty top.

It's a crazy, messed-up world when your underwear costs twice as much as your outerwear!



Hugh said...

What's happened to your blog? It's missing a whole heap.

Girls love their shopping, don't they. What is that? ;)

Pickwick said...

I think I am a failed woman. I don't like to shop - though, when I do, I am surprisingly good at it. I'm just really impatient and decisive in a negative way until I find what's right.

Nice top. Love the slanted hems that are all the rage. I was either before my time or am a dag from waaaaay back:-)

MuzeKez said...

verbs, what are you missing when you see my blog? It all appears to still be intact at my end..

Pickwick, I used to be an impatient, decisive shopper too. I'd go to the store, buy what I wanted, and get out as quickly as possible. But I've gradually become more of a browser and can probably spend several hours happily wandering through stores now.

Hugh said...

I was all over the place for a while. Good now :)

Ben said...

probably a stylesheet didn't load verbs.
where is the post about supanova? ya told me to come here to read it and what do I get? shopping and underwear!! not good :}