Thursday, August 12, 2004

muzing # 047: where there's smoke..

there was a fire, which in itself is nothing surprising considering the weather we've been having lately. An incredibly long dry spell coupled with high winds always spells trouble. What is surprising (for me at least) is that there was a fire two days ago within spitting distance of my home! Okay, I exaggerate, it was a little further than spitting distance, but certainly within viewing distance. That said, I didn't see much of it myself as I was at uni at the time, but my Dad gave me a thorough description of events afterwards.

Thankfully no homes were lost, and though the fire edged close to the local Nursing Home, firefighters were able to prevent any damage via backburning. Late yesterday afternoon I went for a stroll to investigate the damage to bushland, and took some photographs from the local park which escaped the flames thanks to a creek (of sorts). (click to enlarge, if you so desire)

burnt out landscape (1) burnt out landscape (2)

burnt out landscape (3) still smoking

There's something just that bit heart-breaking about a burnt out landscape..

On a lighter note:

What Flavour Are You? I am a subtle taste, like Pine.I am a subtle taste, like Pine. I am a quiet, fresh taste, almost more of a scent than a flavour. You will be aware of me, but not quite remember me without being reminded. Not that I'm boring; on the contrary, I'm just a little outside the ordinary.
My secondary taste is Almond.
Mmm, the taste of almonds - anathema to many with nut allergies, and a bad sign for many more, as my taste is not unlike that of cyanide. Am I good or am I poison? A risky thing to guess about.
What Flavour Are You?

Heeheehee! :-) (With thanks for the link to Casyn, who tastes like tea.)



Hugh said...

I taste like tea too. Gross.

Casyn said...

I'm gross? :-(

Bushfires are certainly sad when you see all the damage, but I have to look at the good they do. They are a necessary part of the cycle.

I am afraid that because of said whether conditions, when we start getting storms and heat this year that the acres of dead grass surrounding my home (which is a lot like hay now) is just waiting for a stray lightning strike or cigarette butt.

MuzeKez said...

A very good point Casyn, bushfires do have their purpose, but they're just such a scary thing when close to homes.. and depressing when they are deliberately lit (as was most likely the case here, as there have been problems with fire bugs around here in the past).

I'm tempted to start the rain dancing soon - then you and other similarly situated folk won't have to worry about thoughtless smokers discarding cigarette butts nearby! :-/