Wednesday, July 14, 2004

muzing # 028: it's... the claw!

beware the creepy clawWhile looking at a recent photograph of myself I was alarmed to discover that my hand took on a rather claw-like appearance. The reason I found this so alarming was that I have long considered my hands one of my most cherished and best physical features. I've been a pianist since age 5, and consequently have (what I had considered to be) long, elegant, piano-playing fingers.

Apparently not. I have CLAWS!

Although, the more I think about it, the more I am reminded that aesthetic appeal is in the eye of the beholder. Behold, my aesthetically appealing (read: menacingly creepy) hand!


Hugh said...


Nah...just joking :) They are incredibly long fingers wonder I am crap at piano...

Tell me...when you were so young, how did you know you would grow up to have perfectly long piano playing fingers? or did they just grow that way because you started playing piano so young?

Why do I always ask two part questions? Or do I always ask two part questions?


Must sleep!

MuzeKez said...

Admit it, last night the CLAW chased you screaming through your nightmares! ;-)

I've always thought my long fingers were a product of my years of piano playing, but it's probably just some genetic anomaly. As far as I'm aware I don't come from a long line of long-fingered folk, although there are a number of musically-inclined people in my generation of the extended family.

I think two-part questions make sure you cover all bases!

MuzeKez said...

Oh pf, you're too kind! :-)

I have a terrible scanner, I already tried to reduce much of the redness from the image, but I'll give it another whirl tomorrow when I've recovered from this evening's rattie adventures!