Wednesday, June 23, 2004

muzing # 017: you call that art?

Took a trip to the (state) Museum and Art Gallery today. Every now and then I like to have a browse through their respective collections, see what's new, then marvel at how little has actually changed since I was last there.

Every time I visit the Art Gallery I wonder why I have bothered. I simply do not know how to appreciate much of the "art" on display. For example, today I mused over a large cream coloured canvas with one roughly square-shaped splat of grey paint in its centre.. and nothing else. My musings went something like "hmmm.." / "why would anyway pay money for this?" / "I could do better" / "how do I convince someone to pay me to whip up something like this?"

Seriously, if you bought a piece of artwork like that, you'd have to be nuts! (The gallery didn't buy it, it was a gift from the "artist".) Anyone could create an equivalent work, slap some fancy signature on it, whack it on their walls at home and pass it off to their pompous friends as some exciting new artist's work. And you'd only have to fork out for a canvas and a teensy bit of paint! Maybe there's a potentially booming small business idea here..

1 comment:

Ben said...

You have to appreciate the ability of the artist - not as a painter, but as a marketer. To be able to get their work up on display and have people, such as yourself, ponder it. It's a talent, for sure.