Friday, February 25, 2005

the joys of nature

While on a (semi-daily) walk with my Mum yesterday, I felt something land in my hair, right by my ear. Exploring the ear area returned nothing, but running my fingers through my hair I discovered an object caught up in tangles. Dragging it out, I looked into my hand and saw, to my horror, a stink bug! There followed a period of frantic hand-shaking and exclamations of "Ugh, stink bug!" until my Mum calmly assured me that it had flown merrily away, seemingly no worse for our encounter. Unlike my traumatised self!

Still, I like to think that somewhere, in a place and time not far from here, a stink bug is blogging on the stinkernet about his frightening collision with a big, hairy human head, and his incredible luck in escaping his predicament relatively unscathed.



Onanymous said...

I'm really glad that you have survived your encounter relatively unscathed.
I once had the misfortune to discover that I had inadvertantly placed a stinkbug in my mouth along with the mulberry I was eating. Needless to say, lots and lots of mouthwash and toothpaste followed.

MuzeKez said...

....gah!! I feel so much better now about only having one land in my hair!!